Thursday, March 31, 2016


Positioning of the Entrance Door as per Vastushastra

“House” when we see house the first thing which come in front of us is the entrance door of the house. We usually excited and curious about choosing the main door according to new trend but have we ever thought about the proper and accurate positioning of the entrance door through which the positive energies enter the home and thus the placement and direction of it have enormous importance in vastushastra.  
Following are the some points which are helpful in positioning of the entrance door and will attract the most positive energy:
The directions of the entrance door have a great effect on us. Thus, if the direction of the entrance door want to place on north side then as per vastushastra must be on the North-East section of the North wall as UV rays of sun, fresh light and air will enter from East side. If it’s located on South wall then it should be towards South-East direction as it is considered to be lucky. If want to place entrance door in East wall then as per Vastu it should be placed in North-East direction. Towards the West direction the North-West half of west wall is the most suitable directions for the main entrance door as per vastushastra.  
The entrance door must be tallest and superior as compare to the other doors. The barriers such as rails, staircase, big trees etc. should not be there in front of the entrance door. Along with this, the temple or streetlight should not be there in the opposite side of it.
Entrance door of the house is considered as the “Mouth of the Vastupurusha” who is recognized as protecting deity. Thus, the entrance door should be bigger than all the doors of the house which should have the height of at least twice its width and must be attractive, solid and gigantic. Along with this, it is important to confirm that the entrance door should not make any noise while opening and closing. To elude wealth loss it is necessary that the entrance door must have threshold and should open clockwise and inside.
These are the suggestions of the vastushastra for the positioning of the entrance door based on the directions so, be with us to learn some more things related to entrance door which are important to know for every one of us and beneficial also.

( Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose )


Selection of Colour for the House and  Rooms as per Vastushastra

In the earlier article “Effect of colours As per Vastushastra” on 22nd March 2016, we have seen how colours have impact on our lives, now further we will see which colours have to select for the house and for each room according to vastushastra.  
Right colour selection for the house and rooms is always a tough and confusing job to do. Thus, here vastushastra can help you to choose colours for house and room, along with this by selecting the colours as per the Vastushastra guidelines will bring good fortune and joy for the residents.
According to vastushastra there are two ways to select colours for the house and rooms these are:
1)      As per the Zodiac sign of the owner
2)      As per the direction of the building
As per the Zodiac sign of the owner-
In this the colour schemes are selected for the house and rooms in according to the zodiac sign of the owner of the house to fetch blessing and pleasure. The different colour schemes as per the zodiac sign are as follows:

red, pearl white
red, dim white
Cement colour
milky white
coral red

pure white

As per the directions of the building:
Each direction is governed by some planet and each planet has a specific colour and each direction is related with the specific colour of that planet. Thus, according to the direction the building/room faces the colour scheme is selected and this colour scheme is as follows:
East (Sun)

West (Saturn)
North (Mercury)
All greens

South (Mars)
 Pink, coral red
North-East (Jupiter)
Golden yellow
South-West (Rahu)
South-East (Venus)
Silver White
North-West (Moon)

Above we have seen the colour selection for house and rooms as per the Zodiac sign and according to the direction of the building, in the third part of this colour selection series we will see the vastu suggestions for colour shades and colour contrasts. Along with this, we will also see the right colour selection for every room as per the vastushastra. So, Stay with us, to know the magnificent benefits of Vastushastra.

(Note-Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Free On-Site Consultation
Everyone who is looking for the consultation for their business or corporates, factory and industries, commercial sites etc. have a chance now to get free on-site consultation from Pune’s top vastu consultant on their site itself. Yes, it’s true; a renowned vastushastra consultant of Pune has come with the great opportunity for all who want to get a consultation for their business/corporates, home, factory and industries, commercial sites etc.

Vastu consultancy is of three types these are:
·         Phone Consultancy
·         Online Consultancy (Email or live chat)
·         Personal visit
Among the three personal Consultancy is the best method to get the proper and accurate advice regarding the sites or house. Through the site or house visit all the drawbacks and problems related to site or house can get observed and thus maximum information get covered which aids consultants to give accurate vastu advice.    

During this personal site visit the consultant will identify harmful energies and placements which cause disease, tension and general discord. Along with this, you will get the useful solutions, guidance and tools through which you can correct the existing defects and reinstate the natural balance and tranquillity of your living or working space.

The free on-site consultation of vastushastra for domestic sites includes Bunglows, flat, plots, new property purchase, Landscaping, residential complexes etc. The commercial sites includes consultation for clinics, Hospitals, Restaurants, Hotels &Motels, Office, Banks, gymnasiums, club houses, commercial complexes etc. And the consultation for industrial sites includes power plants, production units, mills, manufacturing units, packaging unit, and all types of units and industries.

Whoever aspires to design their home interiors, factory layouts, office layouts, commercial spaces as per the vastushastra guidelines or want some vastu solutions for any problems related to the sites and want to achieve well-being, success and good fortune further have a great chance now. The free on-site consultation is for Pune only and will be available on Tuesday and Thursday with prior appointment. However, the client has to pay the travelling expenses.  
So, grab this opportunity and get rid from all of your problems. For further contact details visit

(Note-image has been used only for reference purpose)

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Vastu Advice for Garden, Trees and plants
Every individual used to have dream of a house with small garden in the front as well as at the back of the site where they can spend their morning and evening time. Nowadays, as the apartment system is growing people used to have small plants in the home and we rarely sees the houses with gardens. So, whether in garden or at home trees and plants plays an important role in everyone’s life as they motivate our surrounding.
Plants have special position in Vastushastra which provides enjoyable environment along with the peaceful view. When we plant seed we plant hope. We hope that it may grow a happy life and fetches good fortune and kindness in our household. A healthy plant affects us both emotionally and physically.
There are some auspicious and some inauspicious plants for home. Thus, we should be careful while designing garden or while planting small plants at home. For this, Vastushastra suggest that the plants within our home should be chosen with extreme care and be positioned in the accurate direction so that they shower positivity and wellbeing on the residents hosting them. Vastushastra has some advice on all facets of house designing, which includes the planting of auspicious trees and plants around the house.
The Vastushastra offers the location of plants and trees as per their appearance and property. So, here, are some vastu advice should be kept in mind while planting flowers and plants:
·        On the southwest, northwest or east directions Champak, Mogra and Parijat should not to be planted.
·        On the east, north or northeast wall of the building the flower pots should not be kept.
·        The trees bearing fruits ought to be planted in the east direction of the garden.
·        Tall trees give stability and progress so they should be planted in the southwest direction.
·        A dead or leafless tree in front of the house is not considered good. It should be uprooted.
If a tree on the opposite side of the road has only two branches, it is not good.
·        Trees should be planted in even numbers.
·        It is always good to plant Coconut tree in the garden as it brings good luck.
·        Money Plant in the house brings wealth and good luck.
·        Mango, lemon, banana and papaya trees must not be planted in the east or north direction.
·        Coconut and lemon trees should be planted in the south or west direction of the garden.
·        Do not cut trees in the month of Bhadrapad or Magh.
·        Trees in the North, East and North East directions of the house should not be taller than the height of the house.
·        If the shadow of a tree falls on the house in the first or last quarter of the day it will prove beneficial to those living in that house.
·        However, if the shadow of a tree falls on the house continuously for 8 to 12 hours it will be troublesome for the inmates of the house.
·        A tree in the middle of the main door/gate of the house is not auspicious.
·        Bonsai plants should not be kept inside the house. They can harm the owner and his children.
·        As far as possible cotton, tamarind, Imli and gum plants should not be planted in the house.
·        Bargad and Peepal like trees which extract milk are also not considered good. They cause pain those living in the house.
·        Peepal Tree should not be damaged or cut. However if due to unavoidable circumstances it is required to e cut, do it only after prayers and offering of rice and curd.
·        Thorny plants like Cactus etc. should be avoided because they provide negative energy. They can create problems related to lungs and kidneys.
·        However, Ashoka trees planted between the Cactus plants considerably reduce the ad effects of Cactus.
·        Planting of dwarf plants i the garden brings quarrel in the house.
·        Chandan brings prosperity, happiness and longlife.
·        Fruit-bearing trees should be planted to the east of a garden.
·        Plant tall trees in the Southwest side of your house. This is believed to bring stability and progress.
·        If there is a religious place right in front of your house, plant a row of trees in front, leaving the main door.
·        A tree with just two branches opposite the house is not good The number of trees planted in a house should be even like: 2, 4, 6, etc.
·        A money plant in the house is believed to bring wealth and good luck.
·        A dead tree or one with no leaves right in front of the house is not good.
·        Avoid planting banana, papaya, mango, pineapple, and lemon trees in the East or the North.
·        Coconut and lemon trees can be planted to the South or the West of a garden.
·        An auspicious tree should never be cut in the months of Bhadrapad or Magh.