Thursday, March 31, 2016


Positioning of the Entrance Door as per Vastushastra

“House” when we see house the first thing which come in front of us is the entrance door of the house. We usually excited and curious about choosing the main door according to new trend but have we ever thought about the proper and accurate positioning of the entrance door through which the positive energies enter the home and thus the placement and direction of it have enormous importance in vastushastra.  
Following are the some points which are helpful in positioning of the entrance door and will attract the most positive energy:
The directions of the entrance door have a great effect on us. Thus, if the direction of the entrance door want to place on north side then as per vastushastra must be on the North-East section of the North wall as UV rays of sun, fresh light and air will enter from East side. If it’s located on South wall then it should be towards South-East direction as it is considered to be lucky. If want to place entrance door in East wall then as per Vastu it should be placed in North-East direction. Towards the West direction the North-West half of west wall is the most suitable directions for the main entrance door as per vastushastra.  
The entrance door must be tallest and superior as compare to the other doors. The barriers such as rails, staircase, big trees etc. should not be there in front of the entrance door. Along with this, the temple or streetlight should not be there in the opposite side of it.
Entrance door of the house is considered as the “Mouth of the Vastupurusha” who is recognized as protecting deity. Thus, the entrance door should be bigger than all the doors of the house which should have the height of at least twice its width and must be attractive, solid and gigantic. Along with this, it is important to confirm that the entrance door should not make any noise while opening and closing. To elude wealth loss it is necessary that the entrance door must have threshold and should open clockwise and inside.
These are the suggestions of the vastushastra for the positioning of the entrance door based on the directions so, be with us to learn some more things related to entrance door which are important to know for every one of us and beneficial also.

( Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose )

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