Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Color Shades and Color Contrast
Hello friends, as per our promised we are back with the third part of the color selection series. In the second part of this series which was about ‘selection of color for house and rooms’ in the article  we have seen the color selection for house and rooms as per the zodiac sign of the owner and as per the directions of the buildings. Today, in third article of the color selection series we will discuss which color shades and color contrast to choose for house and rooms as suggested by vastushsastra.
As per vastushastra principles some colors are cool whereas; some colors are warm. We feel this is because of the colors thus, while painting rooms of a house, we should choose colors according to the amount of light and warmth in the room. For this some vastu suggestions are as follows:
Vastu Suggestions for Color Shades for Rooms of a House-
·         Light colors should be painted to those rooms which have poor daylight.
·         The rooms which are having plenty of natural light during the day should be painted in some deep color.
·         Do not paint the walls of the room which gets direct sunlight with yellow or peach color.
·         Do not use blue color on the walls of the rooms which has a single window facing towards the North which gives cold light.
·         The ceilings should always be painted with white color because; ceiling temperature should be less than the human body temperature.
The most vital aspect in any composition or a design is color contrast.  Here, we have explained some color contrast and there features:
Vastu Suggestions for Color Contrast for Rooms of a House-
·         Black- Black color when added to other color to make contrast can make colors both brighter and lighter in look.
·         Grey- Grey color when mixed with intense color can increase the apparent colorfulness of the intense color and it appears even brighter or brilliant.
·         Blending of colors- One should always remember that no individual is completely white (good) or black (bad), but is an amalgam of the white and black which is grey. This shows us that a sensible blending can create a forceful creation.
Here we have seen the different aspects of color shades and color contrast as suggested by the vastushastra which are easy to use and apply. In next article of this color selection series we will discuss the right color selection for every room. We will be back soon, till then enjoy with learning everyday something a little bit about the benefits of the vasatushastra with

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

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