Monday, April 18, 2016


Success Cases of Vastushastra Country Specific-Japan

Welcome back to the series of success cases of vastushastra. Earlier in the first article in this series we have seen that the positivity of geographical location as per vastushastra affects the progress of the countries, cities, famous places, industrial houses etc. The vastu of every place depends on the geographical position of its area. Now, in this article, we will see in little bit detail how the geographical location of the country affects its progress as per vastushastra.
Japan, which is also known as the “Land of the Rising” is one of the prosperous and developed country in the world. It is an island country in East Asia, which is located in the Pacific Ocean. This country is one of the proofs of the positive aspects of vastushastra. Japan is surrounded by the deep water through the sea of Okhotsk in the north and the Sea of Japan to the east, thus it is considered as the most auspicious according to the vastushastra.  
The east side of Japan is open and widely spread that’s why it gets the full benefits of the sun rays and as per vastushastra, this is the reason for Japans richness and prosperity. Japan has the sea on the South and South East of Japan, which, according to vastushastra is a place of fire and because of this, japan was bombarded by atom bombs during the world war. It is also the reason that Japan suffers from the earthquake. Right now also, Japan is suffering from the twin earthquake.
So, from the above it is crystal clear that some positive aspects of the geographical location as per vastushastra benefit the country towards its progress whereas; some negative aspects lead to face the destructive effects too.
Here, we came to know about Japan’s positive and negative aspects through the perspective of vatushastra. We will meet again with another country to see its positive and negative aspects according to vastushastra in the series of country specific success cases of vastushastra. Be in touch and keep following us to explore the depth of vastushastra.  
 (Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

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