Monday, April 11, 2016

Vastu shanti advice for business and office

Vastu shanti advice for business and office
To get prosperity and growth in business it is very important to follow vastushastra principles. Here, are some vastu shanti advice for business and office to achieve growth.
Vastu shanti advice for business and office-
  • For finance a pit or underground tank, a boring or tube well in south is very unsafe.
  • Flowing water or a water fountain from north to east is very good for factory.
  • In the north east corner of the factory or office an aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish is very good.
  • The temple must not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat in the office.
  • The seat of owner should face east, north or west only.
  • Behind the owner’s seat there should be a solid wall.
  • The desk of the owner should be rectangle.
  • The central point of any office and factory should be empty.
  • The managers, executives and directors place of seat arrangement should be located in south, west and southwestern direction of the office premises.
  • The accounts department should be in southeast direction.
  • In the office the reception desk should be in northeastern direction.
  • According to vastu rules the employees seating arrangement should be facing towards the north or eastern direction.
  • The storeroom should be on the northwest and southwest direction of the office or factory.
  • Marketing department must be in the direction of northwest.
  • To improve financial gains in the office or factory it is beneficial to fix some idols or images of god and goddess in the right direction of mirrors as per vastu advice.

Above are some vastu shanti advices which are recommended by vastushastra for the growth and success of business and office. If they, get followed properly then, they proved beneficial for the success of the business and office. 

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

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