Saturday, March 19, 2016


Importance of directions as per Vastushastra
The directions on earth are demarcated with respect to the Sun. There are total eight directions amongst them North, South, East and West are called cardinal directions and the North East, South East, South West, North West these are called intercardinal or ordinal point as here the two directions meet.
As per vastushastra, all the activities are based on these directions and each of these directions has specific implications. The directions played an vital part in ancient times as we can see its only in India that the four sub-direction has assigned a special name like the main direction. The basic guidelines of Vastu Shastra are based on these eight directions.
To save energy and to build a better house design the positioning of the building is essential and thus, the direction is utmost significant in the technology of Indian architecture. Through this the building would be comfortable for living and will also, gives positive energy, good health, success and fortune to the residents.
East: It is ruled by lord Indra who is known to be the king of Gods. He gives fortune and wishes of life.

South East: It governed by lord of fire- Agni who gives us good personality and all good things of life. Fire is a source of health as it is associated to fire, cooking and food.

South: It is administered by Yama, the god of death. He is appearance of dharma, and eradicates evil forces and gives good things. It is a source of prosperity, crops and pleasure.

South West: It is ruled by Niruti, the god who protects from evil foes. It is a source of character, demeanor, case of longevity and death. 

West: West is directed by Lord Varun, the lord of rains. He gives his blessings in the form of natural water-rain, brings prosperity and pleasures of life.

North West: It is administered by lord Vayu and he brings good health, strength and long life. It is a source of change in course of business, friendship and enmity. 

North: This direction is ruled by Kuber, the god of wealth.

North East: This direction is a supervised by lord Eeshaan, and is a source of wealth, health and success. He brings wisdom, knowledge and relieves us from all miseries and mishaps
Now, following are the basic rules of the vastushastra based on the eight directions:
Perfect Directions for Rooms-
·         The bedroom location should be in South, South-West.
·         The children’s bedroom should be in East or West side.
·         The guest bedroom must be in North-West side.

Sleeping Directions-
  • Head in North: bad dreams, ill health and improper sleep, nightmares, heaviness in chest, mind sickness, headache.
  • Head in South: Soundless sleep, improves health.
  • Head in West: bad health
  • Head in East: gain of knowledge.
Doors and Windows of the Bedroom-
  • The doors should be placed in the East, West or North
  • To let all the prospects in life the doors should at least open 90 degrees.
  • The larger window should be in the North or East and the smaller windows should be in the west.
(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

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