Saturday, April 2, 2016


Vastushastra Tips For Better Health
Health is wealth” We always try to keep our-health safe from the surrounding diseases or from the things through which we can get caught in bad health. But sometimes we faced lots of problems related to health in our house. Often everyone at our home faces some illness and we used to treat it with doctors but sometimes it is only the waiting game.
So, like for this kind of situations have we thought of for a second whether our own house is safe or not in terms of ill effects? Do we ever try to know whether we followed the vastu rules proper or not at home? The answer here is may be No. Because, that kind of thought never entered in our mind unless and until any older person mention it to us and still we used to ignore it or don’t give it that much importance. But it’s true, it is very important to follow the vastushastra guidelines at home in order to achieve good health otherwise we may have to face lots of problems related to health.
So, here are some Vastu tips for Health which we need to follow:
·         If the kitchen, bathroom is in the middle of east at home then, there is a chance of people are suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, joint pains, possibility of abortion etc. at home.  In order to ease the ill affect, the wall can be painted in maroon.
·         If the people at home are suffering from Headache, paralysis, brain haemorrhage etc or if people are earning lot of money but it is getting spent on medical treatments then check for the positioning of the bathroom in the house if it is in middle of north then paint the wall green so that the ill affect will ease. 
·         If the women of the house is suffering from thyroid or throat related illness, joint pains then check whether the kitchen is in the middle of the South or not and if yes then put it Blue color to the wall behind the cooking range this will ease the ill effects of vastu dosha.
·         Copper wire should be used to close the cut of the corners which will ease the various illness arise through it.
·         By adding the rock salt to water at the time of cleaning then it will help to keep the illness away.
·         While at the time of eating meal the facing should be towards East or North.

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

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