Sunday, April 24, 2016

Vastu suggestions for shape of the plot

Welcome back to the plot selection series Before moving further let’s catch up a little bit about the earlier article which was In that article, we discussed the location and direction of the plot. Today, we will see different shape of the plot and their benefits according to the Vastu Shasta.
Vastu suggestions for the shape of the plot
  • As per vastushastra square shaped plot is auspicious. It brings health, wealth and happiness.
  • Rectangular and circular shaped plot is good. Both brings all round prosperity.
  • Wheel shaped plot is not beneficial. The owner loses financial status and faces poverty.
  • Odd or irregular shaped plot leads to all types of problems and poverty.
  • Triangular shaped plot affects progress and creates problems from the government.
  • Bhadarshan shaped plot is good for special types of buildings only such as government buildings.
  • Car shaped plot creates wants and poverty. It even leads to the imprisonment.
  • Damru shaped plot has a very bad effect on the eyesight of inmates.
  • Disproportionate shouldered plot affects the health of the individuals. It even includes inmates in court litigations and leads them to poverty.
  • Hand-pan shaped plot causes loss of wealth, cattle etc.
  • Turtle shaped plot causes the owner and his or her family members imprisonment, untimely death and murders.
  • Pig shaped plot causes death of brothers and relatives.
  • The inmates of the window shaped plot lose mental peace and face poverty.
  • Bow shaped plot creates situations where the inmates of the plot need to face fear of theft, attack by enemies.
  • The hexagon shape plot is considered good if the vastu rules followed properly.
  • Elliptical plot or oval shaped plot also has many disadvantaged like loss in money, women and respect.
  • Polygonal plot brings legal litigations and false allegations to the inmates of the plot.
  • Lion -faced shaped plot is auspicious for business organizations only.
  • Cow faced shaped plot is auspicious, if the roads are in the southern and western sides of the plot.

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose) 

Monday, April 18, 2016


Success Cases of Vastushastra Country Specific-Japan

Welcome back to the series of success cases of vastushastra. Earlier in the first article in this series we have seen that the positivity of geographical location as per vastushastra affects the progress of the countries, cities, famous places, industrial houses etc. The vastu of every place depends on the geographical position of its area. Now, in this article, we will see in little bit detail how the geographical location of the country affects its progress as per vastushastra.
Japan, which is also known as the “Land of the Rising” is one of the prosperous and developed country in the world. It is an island country in East Asia, which is located in the Pacific Ocean. This country is one of the proofs of the positive aspects of vastushastra. Japan is surrounded by the deep water through the sea of Okhotsk in the north and the Sea of Japan to the east, thus it is considered as the most auspicious according to the vastushastra.  
The east side of Japan is open and widely spread that’s why it gets the full benefits of the sun rays and as per vastushastra, this is the reason for Japans richness and prosperity. Japan has the sea on the South and South East of Japan, which, according to vastushastra is a place of fire and because of this, japan was bombarded by atom bombs during the world war. It is also the reason that Japan suffers from the earthquake. Right now also, Japan is suffering from the twin earthquake.
So, from the above it is crystal clear that some positive aspects of the geographical location as per vastushastra benefit the country towards its progress whereas; some negative aspects lead to face the destructive effects too.
Here, we came to know about Japan’s positive and negative aspects through the perspective of vatushastra. We will meet again with another country to see its positive and negative aspects according to vastushastra in the series of country specific success cases of vastushastra. Be in touch and keep following us to explore the depth of vastushastra.  
 (Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

मुख्य दारावरील प्रतिमा

मुख्य दारावरील प्रतिमा
1. पुर्व दिशेला लागणारी प्रतिमा बसलेले गणपती, मागील रंग पिवळा असावा.
2. पुर्व ईशान्य दिशेच्या दारावरील गणपती पांढरा व सर्पसकट असावा.
3. उत्तर ईशान्य दिशेचा दारावरील गणपती पांढरा व पितांबर पिवळा असावा. आणि उभे पंचमुखी हनुमान असावा.
4. उत्तर दिशेवरील गणपतीच्या मागील दारावरील कलर हिरवा व निळा पितांबर घातलेला असावा.
5. उत्तर वायव्य दारावरील गणपती मोती कलरचे गणपती व गुलाबी कलरचे पितांबर घातलेला असावा.
6. पश्‍चिम वायव्य दारावरील गणपती पुर्ण तांब्याचा कलरचा गणपती असावा.
7. पश्‍चिम पुर्व दारावरील गणपती पुर्ण निळा कलरचा व वरुण देवाचा फोटो असावा.
8. पश्‍चिम नैऋृत्य दारावरील गणपती उडते पंचमुखी हनुमानाचा फोटो ठेवावा.
9. दक्षिण नैऋृत्य दारावर उभे पंचमुखी व हयायत रामचंद्राची प्रतीमा असावी. मागील कलर लाल असावा.
10. दक्षिण दारावरील गणपतीबरोबर कुबेर देवाचा फोटो बसवावा.
11. दक्षिण आग्नेय दारावरील गणपतीचा पुर्ण परिवारा बरोबर असलेली प्रतिमा असावी.
12. पुर्व आग्नेय दारावरील रिद्धी सिद्धी बरोबरची गणपती प्रतिमा बसवावी.

अधिक माहितीसाठी वर संपर्क साधा.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

लग्न कुंडलीप्रमाणे घराचे/व्यवसायाचे द्वार

लग्न कुंडलीप्रमाणे 
                            घराचे/व्यवसायाचे द्वार

1. मेष - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार पुर्व आणि ईशान्य मध्ये असावे.
2. वृषभ - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य पूर्वेला असावे.
3. मिथुन - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य उत्तरेला असावे.
4. कर्क - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार उत्तर आणि वायव्यला असावे.
5. सिंह - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य पूर्वेला असावे.
6. कन्या - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार ईशान्य आणि उत्तरेच्या मध्ये असावे.
7. तुला - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार पुर्व आणि आग्नेयच्या मध्ये असावे.
8. वृश्चिक - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य दक्षिण दिशेला असावे.
9. धनु - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार ईशान्य मध्ये असावे.
10. मकर - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य पश्‍चिमेला असावे.
11. कुंभ - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार मध्य पश्‍चिम आणि वायव्य पश्‍चिम मध्ये असावे. 
12. मीन - राशीच्या व्यक्तीचे द्वार उत्तर ईशानेला असावे. 

For More Details contact us

Monday, April 11, 2016

Vastu shanti advice for business and office

Vastu shanti advice for business and office
To get prosperity and growth in business it is very important to follow vastushastra principles. Here, are some vastu shanti advice for business and office to achieve growth.
Vastu shanti advice for business and office-
  • For finance a pit or underground tank, a boring or tube well in south is very unsafe.
  • Flowing water or a water fountain from north to east is very good for factory.
  • In the north east corner of the factory or office an aquarium with 9 gold fish and one black fish is very good.
  • The temple must not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat in the office.
  • The seat of owner should face east, north or west only.
  • Behind the owner’s seat there should be a solid wall.
  • The desk of the owner should be rectangle.
  • The central point of any office and factory should be empty.
  • The managers, executives and directors place of seat arrangement should be located in south, west and southwestern direction of the office premises.
  • The accounts department should be in southeast direction.
  • In the office the reception desk should be in northeastern direction.
  • According to vastu rules the employees seating arrangement should be facing towards the north or eastern direction.
  • The storeroom should be on the northwest and southwest direction of the office or factory.
  • Marketing department must be in the direction of northwest.
  • To improve financial gains in the office or factory it is beneficial to fix some idols or images of god and goddess in the right direction of mirrors as per vastu advice.

Above are some vastu shanti advices which are recommended by vastushastra for the growth and success of business and office. If they, get followed properly then, they proved beneficial for the success of the business and office. 

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Vastu guidelines for Getting a Job

Vastu guidelines for Getting a Job
Now a day’s there is tough competition out there for getting a job. In spite of having all the required qualities and skills sometimes we don’t get succeed in getting a job which we dreamed off. Along with this the period of searching a job proved to be very stressful and one can get in depression also. So, if one is having a tough time while searching and getting a desired job then along with the hard work one should try something else with it like getting the positive energy from the surrounding through the vastushastra. Yes, following some vastu guidelines in combination to the qualities and skills can prove to be a great help as it aids in getting the positive energies from surrounding to us which leads to a desired result. So, here are some vastu guidelines that can help us to get a desirable job very soon.

Vastu guidelines for getting a job

1) At home one should hang wind chimes with five metal rods in the northeast direction
2) Put some metal item or crystal ball in northwest area to enhance this area.
3) In the northeast corner of the living room one should add water bodies like fountain and water pot.
4) One should put light color in the northeast corner of the home.
5) Placing a mirror in the north direction will be excellent.
6) In front of the main entrance door one must put laughing Buddha with gold coins.
7) The front door should not be locked with barriers.
8) One should clean the front door on daily basis.
9) The door of the safe must open towards north direction and the valuable assets or money should put in southwest direction.
10) One should keep a citrine crystal in the northwest corner.

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Vastu suggestions for a successful career

Vastu Suggestions For Successful Career
Amongst all talent, hard work and luck these three things are important for a successful career. But sometimes they are not enough; the support from the surrounding energies plays a vital role to build a successful career. And with surrounding energies here, comes the vastushastra again, as we have seen vastushastra is the science of balancing energies. Thus, if we live in vastu compliant home or work in vastu compliant office, then it’s for sure that energies will extend their help and push us towards our betterment.
So, here are some vastu suggestions which if applied correctly then they may push ones career or business like never thought before.
Vastu Suggestions for a successful Career-
  1. A wall behind our back represents support while working.
  2. A poster of mountains strengthens support thus; one should hang a poster of mountains on a wall behind their back.
  3. While working there should be an open space ahead of us, it represents openness and new ideas will come to us.
  4. Try to sit in south-west corner for conference rooms, which should be away from the entrance of conference room.
  5. The furniture should be either square or rectangular. In fact square is better.
  6. The high back chairs signify support and are medically good thus; one should have these chairs.
  7. Leaking taps or water faucets signify loss of money thus; fix it immediately is it leaks.
  8. While doing business one should face either Towards East or North. Even, North is always better as it signifies monetary gains.
  9. Plants should keep in South East corner of office as they, supports business and money growth.
  10. One can also place or light a lamp in the South Eat part of office as, it will attract money and good luck.
  11. Heat generating instruments such as, computers, machines, heaters etc. must be kept in South East.
  12. For the owner of a business or CEO of a company the room in the office should be in South West direction and he should sit in South West corner of this room with facing north.    
  13. The finished products should be kept in North West direction as it speeds up selling.

       ( Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

राशी प्रमाणे लग्न कुंडलीचा प्रभाव

राशी प्रमाणे लग्न कुंडलीचा प्रभाव

1. मेष लग्नाचा स्वभाव - सडपातळ, मुशाङ्गिरी करणारा, थोडा ङ्गार चिडचिडा, लोभी, ताकदवर, मजबुत शरीर, बुद्धीमान, पैसा उडविणारा, आईबाबांची सेवा करणारा, सहपरिवारात राहणारा असू शकतो.

2. वृषभ लग्नाचा स्वभाव - सुखी, तंदुरुस्त, धार्मिक कार्य करणारी, लहान वयात पैसा कमवणारी, शत्रुचा नाश करणारी, चांगले वाईट खाने खाणारी असू शकते.

3. मिथून लग्नाचा स्वभाव - कोमल सुंदर, हसणारी, स्त्रीयांना आवडणारी व्यक्ती, आई बाबांचे आज्ञाधारी.

4. कर्क लग्नाचा स्वभाव - घाबरट, धार्मिक, यात्रा करणारी, चंचल स्वभाव, चांगली स्मरण शक्ती, शत्रुचा नाश करणारी, कर्क परिवार, खूप गोड बोलणारी, परदेशात राहणारी, जास्त मालमत्ता मिळवणारी, राजेशाही व्यक्ती असू शकते.

5. सिंह लग्नाचा स्वभाव - राज्यातून मान सन्मान आणि धन प्राप्ती होईल, मित्राला मदत करणारे, धर्माचा कार्य करणारे, नम्र, थोडेङ्गार लोभी स्वभावाचे असते, जंगल आणि पर्वतावर ङ्गिरण्याची आवड, धैर्यवान, दिर्घ आयुष्य असणारे. 

6. कन्या लग्नाचा स्वभाव - नम्र विनंती करणारे, दयाळू, धार्मिक, पुण्य वैङ्गर, यात्रा करणारे, खूप नशिबवान, मानसन्मानाची अपेक्षा ठेवणारे, नशिबे कौतुक करणारे, काहीतरी वाईट मार्गावर जाणारे आढळतात.

7. तुला लग्नाचा स्वभाव - एक लक्षी राहतात, प्रवास करणारे कमी धन प्राप्त करणारे, सडपातळ, उंच, चिडचिडा स्वभाव, धार्मिक चांगली, बुद्धीमान, मोठे मानसांना मान देणारे, अपेक्षीत देवांची पूजा करणारे, स्वत:ला खूप मानपान देणारे, यांचे संताप विवाद असतात. कधी कधी खोटे बोलणारे, मित्रांत बरोबर स्वहिताचा व्यवहार ठेवणार, कवितांची आवड.

8. वृश्चिक लग्नाचा स्वभाव - खूप खर्च करणारे असतात, नमक हलाल, मातापितांना लांब ठेवणारे, हसरा चेहरा ठेवणारे, स्वत:चा आक्षेप दुसर्‍यावर लादणे, नोकरी न करता व्यापार करणे, थोडे ङ्गार चांगले काम वाईट मार्गाने जाणे.

9. धनू लग्नाचा स्वभाव - राग, वैज्ञानिक ज्ञान, मोठी जानकारी घेणारे, स्वत:ची चूक कबूल करणारे, परिवाराची रक्षा करणारे, देवावर विश्वास ठेवणारे.

10. मकर लग्नाचा स्वभाव - चिंतेत असणे, खूप विचार करणारी, ज्ञानी व्यक्ती, स्वत:च्या कामावर लक्ष न ठेवणे, सरकारी नोकरी, धार्मिक स्वभाव, नशिबवान, सुखी, दिर्घ आयुष्य.

11. कुंभ लग्नाचा स्वभाव - हट्टी स्वभाव, खूप विचारी, शांत वातावरण मध्ये आवडणे, कमी उंची असणे, सहासी, जुगार खेळणारी, लक्ष्य नंतर पैसे कमावनारे. 

12. मीन लग्नाचा स्वभाव - नशिबवान, सुरेश दोस्ती, नकल, हलाल, विज्ञानी, काव्यला मान देणारे, दयाळू, किर्ती मिळवणारे, बुद्धीवान, ङ्गुलवार, शांत स्वभाव.

The belief of Vastu Purush

Vastu Purush
The ‘art of building one’s living and working spaces in harmony with nature’ is a vastu. However, Purusha means energy, power, soul or cosmic man. Thus, according to shastra Vastu Purush is god of building science i.e. god of structures who provides protection, happiness and prosperity to its habitant if Vastu principles are followed.
To follow these principles the Vastu Purush Mandala which is a specific type of mandala is get used in Vastu Shastra. Vastu Purush Mandala is the metaphysical pan of a building/temple/site etc. which incorporates the course of the heavenly bodies and supernatural forces.
The principal gods or presiding deities of each direction are given below:
 North-West (Vayavya)
Ruled by Lord of Winds
North - Kubera
Ruled by Lord of Wealth
 North - East (Eashan)
Ruled by Lord of all quarters or Lord Shiva
Ruled by God Sun - Aditya (Indra)
South - East (Agni)
Ruled by Lord of Fire - Agni
South - Yama
Ruled by Lord of Death - Yama
 South - West (Nairutya)
Pitru / Nairutya, Nairuthi- Ruled by ancestors
West - Varuna
Ruled by Lord of Water
Centre (Brahma)
Ruled by Lord or Creator of the Universe

The Vastu Purush is the governing deity of any site. He lies with his back up and the concept behind this may be that he carries burden on his back. It is a rule that pillars are not to be raised on the sensitive points of Vastu Purush. According to the science of physics the sensitive points are inlets and outles.
It is assumed that the Vastu Purush would get suffocate if inlets and outlets are blocked with pillars. Also, on the folds of the arms and legs of the vastu purush the sensitive points are exist. Thus, the pillars, if erected on these points, would not find enough base and support. Therefore, these points are to be avoided for pillars while construction.  
Like the sensitive points of the vastu purush the care should be taken about the directions for digging also. Generally the Vastu Purush is showed as lying on it with the head in the North-East and the legs in the South-West but this is not permanent. The Vastu Purush keeps changing his position throughout the year.  Thus, one should not dig in the direction where the vastu pursh’s head lies in that particular month. The following table will give you the detail information about every month’s position of the vastu purush.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Color Shades and Color Contrast
Hello friends, as per our promised we are back with the third part of the color selection series. In the second part of this series which was about ‘selection of color for house and rooms’ in the article  we have seen the color selection for house and rooms as per the zodiac sign of the owner and as per the directions of the buildings. Today, in third article of the color selection series we will discuss which color shades and color contrast to choose for house and rooms as suggested by vastushsastra.
As per vastushastra principles some colors are cool whereas; some colors are warm. We feel this is because of the colors thus, while painting rooms of a house, we should choose colors according to the amount of light and warmth in the room. For this some vastu suggestions are as follows:
Vastu Suggestions for Color Shades for Rooms of a House-
·         Light colors should be painted to those rooms which have poor daylight.
·         The rooms which are having plenty of natural light during the day should be painted in some deep color.
·         Do not paint the walls of the room which gets direct sunlight with yellow or peach color.
·         Do not use blue color on the walls of the rooms which has a single window facing towards the North which gives cold light.
·         The ceilings should always be painted with white color because; ceiling temperature should be less than the human body temperature.
The most vital aspect in any composition or a design is color contrast.  Here, we have explained some color contrast and there features:
Vastu Suggestions for Color Contrast for Rooms of a House-
·         Black- Black color when added to other color to make contrast can make colors both brighter and lighter in look.
·         Grey- Grey color when mixed with intense color can increase the apparent colorfulness of the intense color and it appears even brighter or brilliant.
·         Blending of colors- One should always remember that no individual is completely white (good) or black (bad), but is an amalgam of the white and black which is grey. This shows us that a sensible blending can create a forceful creation.
Here we have seen the different aspects of color shades and color contrast as suggested by the vastushastra which are easy to use and apply. In next article of this color selection series we will discuss the right color selection for every room. We will be back soon, till then enjoy with learning everyday something a little bit about the benefits of the vasatushastra with

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Success Cases Of Vastushastra
Till the date we have learned about the importance of vastushastra, how it’s beneficial to follow and in what way we need to follow it. Along with this we have seen that vastushastra is related   to everything in our life right from the plot, house, its rooms, doors, windows, furniture positioning, then color combination etc. so that we can get its benefits properly in our life.
But is vastushastra is limited to this only? No. This vastushastra rules is also, applicable to countries, cities, industrial houses, famous places etc. There is numerous success cases of vastushastra where, the study has shown that because of vastushastra rules how they are getting benefits and ruling the world.
We all know that in world some countries are much forward, advanced and wealthy, whereas; others are much backward. And this is not for countries only the cities of the country also has same cases like, some are rich and prosperous while other cities are poor and backward. Likewise this, famous places whether it is religious or tourist or historical one etc some have got   prominent status while others have not. Same with the industrial houses some have achieved tremendous success whereas; others are not there yet. Likewise this there is plenty of success cases of countries, cities, industrial houses and famous places.
Have we ever got question why is this that some are getting success while others are not? Yes of course, there thinking, strategies, planning, hardwork etc paid them off. But still don’t you think sometime with all of these things also one cannot get this kind of success and fame. Then what is the reason behind it. Is it their vastu benefiting them at every step? Is it possible?
Well, why not. Vastu is everywhere. And its principles are applicable to all. Vastu is the interaction of different forces of nature which includes the earth, water, wind, fire and air and tries to maintain a balance which influence the luck and achievement of everything and everyone. Each area has its own geographical situation which affects the nature and that’s why the vastu of every place changes and get influenced through the vastu.
Here, we have come across to different perspective of success cases of vastushastra based on geographical situations. In next article we will take a look at each one of them step by step so that we can know little bit more about it. So, got excited right, be there with us, we will back soon with different success cases of vastushastra.

Image is only for reference

Monday, April 4, 2016


 Vastu of Plot/Flat/House
When we shift to another or new house/flat after buying it, we face some changes and it takes time to get adapted to that. Sometimes these changes are good and favorable to us which help us to climb success step by step along with this it also, gives us financial, mental and physical stability.   However, sometimes they prove bad and can create numerous problems for us in terms of finances, mental and physical.
So, while facing these things has anyone thought about the vastu of that place at least for a second only. I guess the answer here from most of us is ‘No’. This is because; most of us do not have any idea about the vastushastra and do not know the relation between the vastu and the person residing in the house and how it affects the people of that house.
There is strong relation between vastu of plot/flat and the person who is living in it. The person who lives in flat/house gets affected with the good or bad things of that vastu. It can affect economically, mentally, physically to the people who are living in that house/flat. If the vastu is good, then it will boost the progress of the people residing in that house. However, if vastu is defected then, it will be a cause of problems which they need to face and if it gets worse then it can bring down the successful person to the level of depression also.
Man has made immense development, but his problems are not reduced it’s because; now a day’s apartments/ houses/buildings are constructed on the basis of strength, stability and beauty. Along with this, the Vidisha method is get followed while its construction in which the main directions become sub directions and the sub directions become main directions and due to this the imbalance and defects get created. However, Vastushastra thinks about the happiness and prosperity of people and is based on health, Wealth, Strength, Stability and Beauty.
People do not get that these problems which they are facing are because of the defected vastu they are living in, as they do not have the knowledge of vastushastra. It’s not like only vastu is responsible for their problems, but it is surely one of the factor which causes problems and rather than ignoring it, it is always better to check the vastu of plot/flat/house which we are buying in order to avoid all the further problems so that we can live a happy life.

( Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose) 

Saturday, April 2, 2016


Vastushastra Tips For Better Health
Health is wealth” We always try to keep our-health safe from the surrounding diseases or from the things through which we can get caught in bad health. But sometimes we faced lots of problems related to health in our house. Often everyone at our home faces some illness and we used to treat it with doctors but sometimes it is only the waiting game.
So, like for this kind of situations have we thought of for a second whether our own house is safe or not in terms of ill effects? Do we ever try to know whether we followed the vastu rules proper or not at home? The answer here is may be No. Because, that kind of thought never entered in our mind unless and until any older person mention it to us and still we used to ignore it or don’t give it that much importance. But it’s true, it is very important to follow the vastushastra guidelines at home in order to achieve good health otherwise we may have to face lots of problems related to health.
So, here are some Vastu tips for Health which we need to follow:
·         If the kitchen, bathroom is in the middle of east at home then, there is a chance of people are suffering from diabetes, blood pressure, joint pains, possibility of abortion etc. at home.  In order to ease the ill affect, the wall can be painted in maroon.
·         If the people at home are suffering from Headache, paralysis, brain haemorrhage etc or if people are earning lot of money but it is getting spent on medical treatments then check for the positioning of the bathroom in the house if it is in middle of north then paint the wall green so that the ill affect will ease. 
·         If the women of the house is suffering from thyroid or throat related illness, joint pains then check whether the kitchen is in the middle of the South or not and if yes then put it Blue color to the wall behind the cooking range this will ease the ill effects of vastu dosha.
·         Copper wire should be used to close the cut of the corners which will ease the various illness arise through it.
·         By adding the rock salt to water at the time of cleaning then it will help to keep the illness away.
·         While at the time of eating meal the facing should be towards East or North.

(Note- Image has been used only for reference purpose)